Essential Requirements of a LAMS Bike

Posted on: 3 June 2021

Motorcycles can be fun, but novice riders must be aware of the risks involved with reckless riding. For this reason, the Australian government introduced learner-approved motorcycles (LAMS) to help lower motorcycle-related accidents involving newbie riders. Ideally, you are required to ride a LAMS bike if you have less than 12 months of riding experience. However, a motorcycle must meet specific requirements to be regarded as a LAMS bike. This article highlights the requirements.

No Modifications

Motorcycle dealers can sell learner-approved bikes, but they are also free to modify the bikes to attract customers. In fact, most bike enthusiasts love motorcycles fitted with cool aftermarket modifications such as exhausts. If you buy a modified LAMS bike, the chances are high that it does not meet the recommended weight and power output. Notably, some modifications can reduce a motorcycle's weight, which is not a violation of LAMS' requirements. However, would you rather buy a LAMS bike without modifications or one with modifications and risk police stops? Investing in a LAMS bike without modifications is the better option because the likelihood of traffic stops is negligible. Simply put, a LAMS bike must be a standard model.  

Must Appear on Approved List

Violation of LAMS bike requirements by learners, riders, and dealers has legal implications. Therefore, novice riders must first ensure that the LAMSbike they want to buy is in the approved list issued by a Government Gazette notice. The reason is that some dealers sell some motorcycles as LAMS, while in the real sense, they are not. You can avoid falling into the trap and risking hefty fines by conducting due diligence. Perform an online search on the government transport department mandated to oversee motorcycle licencing. The approved list has information on all bike models sold as learner-approved motorcycles. Avoid any bike sold as learner-approved but cannot be found in the government's approved list.

Limited Engine Capacity

The engine capacity of a motorcycle determines its power and maximum speed. Motorcycle engines with a big capacity can reach unprecedented speeds, which is a concern for the government and the public. For example, novice riders fresh from a training school often want to start with powerful bikes for the experience. Thus, they buy a motorbike with a powerful engine, not realising the risk involved. For this reason, the government requires that all LAMS bikes be 660cc or less. Consequently, newbie riders are less likely to put other people in danger with less powerful bikes.

To learn more, contact companies that sell LAMS bikes. 
